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I am another Iranian striving for Human Rights and Democracy. read and sign the petition Please support the IRANIAN WOMENS' ONE MILLION SIGNATURES CAMPAIGNto change the discriminatory laws against women in Iran.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Can I ask why no one is inclined to sign the petition to save shirin ebadi's Center for the Defense of Human rights. Maybe I'm missing something. But I figure should we wait until the last minute to save someone's life? It's always such a mad rush, a scramble and get petition signatures for someone who is to be stoned in two weeks. Why not have people working on the problem on a regular basis, instead of people rushing at the last minute? Why not have the Center to help the people in trouble in advance, at least even a little bit more in advance before someone gets the stoning sentence?

If the way that I wrote the petition or I as the author is considered undesirable, I am more than willing to sign a similar petition written by someone else. Just let me know about the URL....

Why wait untill the last minute?


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