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I am another Iranian striving for Human Rights and Democracy. read and sign the petition Please support the IRANIAN WOMENS' ONE MILLION SIGNATURES CAMPAIGNto change the discriminatory laws against women in Iran.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Announced locations for 25 Bahman, Feb 14th demonstrations in Iran

24 بهمن
Nov 13th,

ایران ساعت 22 پشت بام خانه ها مرگ بر دیکتاتور و الله اکبر
Iran at 22:00 shouting allah Akbar and down with dictator on rooftops

25 بهمن
Nov 14th

تهران ساعت 15 میدان امام حسین تا میدان آزادی
Tehran 15:00 from Imam Hossein square to Azadi square

اصفهان ساعت 15 میدان انقلاب
Esfahan 15:00 at Enghelab square

مشهد ساعت 15 فلکه برق به سمت حرم مطهر
Mashhad 15:00 from Falakeh Bargh towards Motahar Heram

اهواز ساعت 18 خیابان نادری
Ahvaz 18:00 at Naderi street

شیراز ساعت 15 میدان نمازی تا دانشکده مهندسی2
Shiraz 15:00 from Namazi square to Engineering college2

تبریز ———- بزودی ..
Tabriz---- to be announced soon

ارومیه ———- بزودی
Oroomieh----- to be announced soon

see source for further details:


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