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I am another Iranian striving for Human Rights and Democracy. read and sign the petition Please support the IRANIAN WOMENS' ONE MILLION SIGNATURES CAMPAIGNto change the discriminatory laws against women in Iran.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Article by Karl Vick from the Washington Post

Karl Vick from the Washington Post wrote a fantastic article about Iranian religious people voicing their dissatisfaction with the Islamic Republic.

read article here

I find it very interesting that the dissatisfaction with the Iranian regime is not for the wealthy, latte-drinking, perceived morally loose elite anymore. This gathering was one of the financially strapped religious base. They were obviously angry at the poor economy, the Iranian government's neglect for the desires of the public, as well as a frustration with the lies that the government officials progagate. When Koochakzadeh saw how the audience was piping out negative opinions of the government, he tried to twist the situation to his advantage:" See how democratic we are? When a person wants to go and make a speach, he can go to an Ansar meeting!" Koochakzadeh was immediately put in his place with the following comment:" I was beaten up by Ansar, myself. They broke a tooth"

The Islamic Republic must have completely forgotten about the political concept of keeping the base happy. They beat up their own support!!!!!


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