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I am another Iranian striving for Human Rights and Democracy. read and sign the petition Please support the IRANIAN WOMENS' ONE MILLION SIGNATURES CAMPAIGNto change the discriminatory laws against women in Iran.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Security Police of Iran distrupted the Peaceful assembly of Women for 1 Million Signatures

photo from we-change.org

Around approximately 4 pm in Iran, the security police informed the Moassesseh Rad that the peaceful assembly of protesting the gender inequality of women in Iran was pronounced illegal due to a lack of permit. This announcement comes as there are no laws in Iran's constitution that requires seminars to have permits. The Islamic Republic of Iran once again could not stand the thought of Women in Iran having rights.

Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi gave a short speech and informed the protestors that cancelling a peaceful demonstration is against Iran's constitution. The organizers of the event collected signatures as well as contacts that would be willing to participate in similar events in the future.

The organizers have started a website we-change.org.more pictures and article from we-change.org

foto von we-change.com

I am trying to write in German as well, please no mocking. Any helpful suggestions on how to improve my german writing would be very welcome!

Um 16:00 Uhr im Iran, die Sicherheitspolizei haben Besheid das die friedlich demonstration von die Iranische Frauen gesetzeswidrig war gegeben. Die Iranische Frauen wollten die Genus Ungleichheit in Iran protestieren. Shirin Ebadi, die Friede Nobelpreistraeger, hat gesagt das diese Aktion von die Iranische Sicherheitspolizei selbst gesetzeswidrig war und eine permit ist nicht erforderlich unter die Iranische Landesverfassung. Die Iranishe Frauen haben gesagt das Sie wollen fur Ihre freiheit und Buergerrechte kampfen. Die Organisatoren von diesem Ereignis haben einen Netzplatz "we-change.com" gemacht. Mehr Bilder und ein Zeitungsartikle hier


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