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Iranians for Human Rights and Democracy

"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people." Martin Luther King,Jr.

My Photo

I am another Iranian striving for Human Rights and Democracy. read and sign the petition Please support the IRANIAN WOMENS' ONE MILLION SIGNATURES CAMPAIGNto change the discriminatory laws against women in Iran.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Shirin Ebadi receives a Threating Letter

Shirin Ebadi received a threatening letter, putting her name amongst 3742 others. She said she will disregard the letter.

Meanwhile 472 signatures for her campaign to change the Discriminatory Laws against women. Sign now if you have already not!


read Gooya news article here


Anonymous lowell financial said...

Your blog is important, the issue is something that not enough people are talking intelligently about. I'm really happy that I stumbled across this in my search for something relating to this issue.

10:28 PM  

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Esa Sahar Kheez sentenced to 5 years in prison

Esa Saharkheez has been sentenced to 4 years in prison and forbidden from working in certain areas for 5 years. He is charged with "spreading news that is against the government and the Islamic constitution"

Esa Saharkheez told Voice of Germany: "this action was taken to limit my work towards freedom of speech and expression, this charge is nothing but an excuse."

read full Gooya article here


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50 + Workers stage protest in front of Labor Office

Fifty plus fired bus drivers assembled in front of the Labor Office in Tehran. Apparentley the Saseman Aghdam filmed them as they were demonstrating. Workers posted signs saying "seven months of hunger and homelesses is enough","seven months and no pay", "the Labor laws get written but not put into practice", and "Who do I complain to?". According to Rooz online this is occuring a few days after contract workers in Sannandaj gathered together and were met with violent police. Many were injured and tear gas was utilized. The demonstrators in Sannandaj were protesting the short length of their contracts.

read Rooz article here


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Manuchehr Mohammadi Escaped!!

Manuchehr Mohammadi escaped Iran. The Mohammadi family were under pressure to not investigate the death of Manuchehr Mohammadi's brother's death, Akbar Mohammadi, or face the same fate for Manuchehr. Now that Manuchehr has fled Iran, there is more room for the family to hold the individuals that murdered Akbar Mohammadi responsible. "They murdured my brother" says Manuchehr Mohammadi.

read full Rooz online article here


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Ramin Jahanbegloo Freed!!

The Islamic Republic of Iran has freed Ramin Jahanbegloo after they obtained his "confession" of the accusations that the Islamic Republic of Iran had charged him with. The accusations are that Ramin Jahanbegloo had orders from the United States to create a velvet revolution. (But I thought Jahanbegloo was residing in Canada....)

Unfortunately the Islamic Republic of Iran does not recognize freedom of speech and assembley as the birthright of humanity. Therefor Jahanbegloo's teachings are considered "crimes" by individuals in Iran that have not had access to higher education that teaches such concepts.

read Gooya news article


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Monday, August 28, 2006

Please Sign Petition to Protest The Gender Discrimination in Iran

Please sign this petition to show your support for changes in the discriminatory laws against women in Iran. The Goal is to have 1 million signatures.

لطفااین پتیشن را برای ابراز حمایت از تغیر قوانین جهت ایجاد برابری زن با مرد را امضا بکنید

Bitte signieren Sie diese Petition fur die Gleichheit von Frauen mit Herren.

Signez vous le petition pour la egalite des Femmes avec des Hommes sil vous plait.



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Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Security Police of Iran distrupted the Peaceful assembly of Women for 1 Million Signatures

photo from we-change.org

Around approximately 4 pm in Iran, the security police informed the Moassesseh Rad that the peaceful assembly of protesting the gender inequality of women in Iran was pronounced illegal due to a lack of permit. This announcement comes as there are no laws in Iran's constitution that requires seminars to have permits. The Islamic Republic of Iran once again could not stand the thought of Women in Iran having rights.

Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi gave a short speech and informed the protestors that cancelling a peaceful demonstration is against Iran's constitution. The organizers of the event collected signatures as well as contacts that would be willing to participate in similar events in the future.

The organizers have started a website we-change.org.more pictures and article from we-change.org

foto von we-change.com

I am trying to write in German as well, please no mocking. Any helpful suggestions on how to improve my german writing would be very welcome!

Um 16:00 Uhr im Iran, die Sicherheitspolizei haben Besheid das die friedlich demonstration von die Iranische Frauen gesetzeswidrig war gegeben. Die Iranische Frauen wollten die Genus Ungleichheit in Iran protestieren. Shirin Ebadi, die Friede Nobelpreistraeger, hat gesagt das diese Aktion von die Iranische Sicherheitspolizei selbst gesetzeswidrig war und eine permit ist nicht erforderlich unter die Iranische Landesverfassung. Die Iranishe Frauen haben gesagt das Sie wollen fur Ihre freiheit und Buergerrechte kampfen. Die Organisatoren von diesem Ereignis haben einen Netzplatz "we-change.com" gemacht. Mehr Bilder und ein Zeitungsartikle hier


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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Celebrating some Iranian Celebrities

The following link has a few famous Iranians. They are the commentators for this years Persian Golden Lionness award winners, which are Shohreh Aghdashloo and Omid Dejalali.

link here


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Friday, August 25, 2006

Two petitions protesting the treatment given to Akbar Mohammadi by Islamic Republic of Iran

According to Gooya news two petitions are present that are protesting the treatment that the Islamic Republic of Iran gave to Akbar Mohammadi. One is from the European Union and the other is a home-grown petitions from Iranians themselves.

The Iranian petition is condemning Akbar Mohammadi's death, demanding that the people's voice be heard as well as demanding that the Iranian government cease its secret abduction, arrests, torture and murder of Iranains that want change and criticize the government.
Iranian petition

The European Union expressed concern over the deteriorating Human Rights condition in Iran and requested an investigation into his case and the circumstances surrounding his death.
European Union Petition


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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wanted: 1 Million Signatures to protest against Discrimination Against Women in Iran

According to Gooya news, there will be the first sitting of a campaign to seek one million signatures to object to Discrimination Against Women in Iran. In this sitting many laywers, artists, university affiliates and writers will be giving speeches in this regards. As I understand the article, the organizers have the goal of meeting people face to face towards collecting the signatures. Please pass this news onto friends and family that you know. Get the word out. Can my vote count? I can't fly from one continent to another, but I voice my support for the ending of discrimination against Women in Iran.

The location of the event is: Sunday August 27th, 2006 from 5:00 pm to 8:00pm in the Hall of "Moassesseh Raad". Address is :

Shahrak Gharb
Faze 2
Hormozan Street
Peeroozane Jonoobi Street
Across from 6th Street

sign here


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Monday, August 21, 2006


I have to reveal something about myself. I am one of "those". One of "those" untouchables that Iranians abhore and do never want to associate with. I am one of those that the Iranians want to hate. I ("oh the horror...") am one of those Iranians that has lived outside of Iran for a long time. I talk with some of the Iranians, and they say, "Oh you have been outside of Iran for too long". I tell them maybe if they were to stay outside of Iran for a few good years too, they will not be the same person that left Iran either. Their eyes widen and they gasp in horror as they say, "Oh we will never loose our Iranian roots." Many look at the Iranian that has lived outside of Iran with severe disdain, label them as "lazy". I think one of the more known female blogger told Hossein Derakhshan in an interview that Iranians that have been Iran for a long time are "yek jooreyand", while I believe another popular Iranian blog stated that "Iranians that have lived too long outside of Iran lack a sense of purpose in life" and "they don't know what they want."

The stereotypes that these very all-knowing bloggers bestow upon Iranians that have been outside of Iran for a while are narrow, rude, ignorant and most of all incorrect. I don't think there is anything wrong with Iranians that have lived outside of Iran. Perhaps my farsi has an accent latched on to it. But how do you think fresh-off-the-boat Iranian's english sounds to every other person in that country? I could characterize it with that same "yek jooriand...", but I'm actually a better person than that. I realize that a person's accent is not indicative of who the person is. As long as his/her character is upstanding, the rest doesn't matter.

Also, I've always known what I wanted. I have worked hard during my University days throughout my graduate school and I've seen plenty of fresh Iranians that can't keep up with my work ethic.

But anyhow, it is somewhat ridiculous to hear some of bloggers out there complaining about getting discriminated because of their race, gender or because of their different ideas, while they can't find it in themselves to be open minded about other people that seem different to them.

By the way, please sign the petition to save the Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran. The petition link is in the "About me" section above.


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مطلب را به بالاترین بفرستید: Balatarin

Friday, August 18, 2006

Iranian Authorities claim Ramin Jahanbegloo Confessed to pursuing a Peaceful Regime Change in Iran

Oh my God!!! The horror!! The man wanted to pursue a peaceful regime change in Iran.

That's not a crime.....it's called freedom of speech and freedom of assembley. The Ruling Mullah's in Iran never cease to surprise me as to how stupid and retarded they sound. They aren't even capable of pretending to have a scinitilla of intelligence. No self-respecting educated person would actually admit that they have jailed someone for such a silly offense. If anything, the dictator mullah's should be removed out of power for their laughable reasons of jailing people. Their comments beg the question: "Are we sure they weren't dropped on their heads when they were babies? Maybe they fell on the floor and are walking around with concussions in their brains and they don't know it....."

Actually they have made a fool of themselves in front of the entire world with this ridiculous statement, but they do that all the time. No wonder why Ramin Jahanbegloo was entirely for the release of his confession, he knew the entire planet would be laughing at the Iranian dictators.

Peyvand News Source


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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Opinions from in Iran

I was talking to an acquantance and he described how things fared in Iran when the Lebanon-Israel war was going on. He said that things started to get more and more expensive, and in his opinion the Iranian government was draining the country's money to pay for Hizbollah. Prices soared. The price of candy went from 150 tomans/Kilo to 310 tomans/Kilo. He said he was hearing how Hizbollah was armed to the teeth, and that he was thinking that had the ceasefire not occured when it did, Iran would have had to say sorry I don't have any more bombs two days later.

Apparantly the sanctions that are to be imposed on Iran are to be implemented soon. That means even a higher price hike. I wonder how the Iranians are going to handle this, considering so many of them are unemployed.


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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blogging Filter software

The Iranian dictators despise and fear any medium of free speech. Whether it be newspapers, blogs, websites or people speaking out. In the end, public opinion does matter, and a lot I might add. That's why after massive signatures are put behind petitions, they finally cave in to the demands.

If Iran uses an American blogging filtering software, Smart Filter, can't the U.S. do something to overcome the filter? Or can't the U.S. sanction worldwide companies that sell filtering software to Iran?


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Monday, August 14, 2006


Can I ask why no one is inclined to sign the petition to save shirin ebadi's Center for the Defense of Human rights. Maybe I'm missing something. But I figure should we wait until the last minute to save someone's life? It's always such a mad rush, a scramble and get petition signatures for someone who is to be stoned in two weeks. Why not have people working on the problem on a regular basis, instead of people rushing at the last minute? Why not have the Center to help the people in trouble in advance, at least even a little bit more in advance before someone gets the stoning sentence?

If the way that I wrote the petition or I as the author is considered undesirable, I am more than willing to sign a similar petition written by someone else. Just let me know about the URL....

Why wait untill the last minute?


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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Please sign Petition to Protest the Closure of Shirin Ebadi's Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran

Please consider signing this petition. This center has been very helpful in speaking for the people that cannot represent themselves properly in Iran, which is no easy task. We should stand with our weak and protect our innocent. If we do not, who will?



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Update on Stoning Sentencing of Ashraf Kalhari

It seems that Ashraf Kalhori's stoning sentence was stopped. Horray!!
read Shadi Sadr's letter


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Friday, August 11, 2006

BBC has a documentary on Atefeh Rajabi's tragic story/Execution

The following is a documentary of Atefeh Rajabi's tragic story. According to this documentary, Atefeh's execution was carried out at an abnormally quick pace. So quick that the courts didn't even try to keep their lies straight. They had her age as 16 years old on one form, and 22 years old on another. Of course the courts condemned her to death and the 51 year old man that had sex with her was given 100 lashes. I don't care what you say, but a 51 year old man having sex with a 16 year old girl is rape.

Looks like a cover up of something much bigger to me.

see documentary


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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Pictures from Kosoof.com of Mansoor Asanloo Freed

The following are pictures of Mansoor Asanloo from Arash Ashoorinia's website

Read article of Mansoor Osanloo being freed here from Gooya News


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Another Petition for Ahmad Batbi

picture copied from www.iranian.com/PhotoDay/2003/December/d3.html

Here is another petition to support Ahmad Batebi in these hard times. Don't let the IRI get even one person that fights for freedom.
read the petition


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Shirin Ebadi asks for Help in an Open Letter

picture copied from www.blogscanada.ca/blog

The following is a link to a letter that Shirin Ebadi wrote asking for help in keeping her Human Rights Center open.

read letter


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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

New Blog: Iranians For Truth and Reconciliation

Please consider visiting the following Blog:

Iranians For Truth and Reconciliation


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A lesson that illiterate Mullah's might want to heed

Newton's third law of motion states:

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

The Mullahs ruling Iran might want to heed this law of nature. If they punish someone unjustly, what goes around comes around. They'll get the exact same treatment back.

Of course this is also something Iranians might want to consider when it is time for a constitution change in Iran (which in my opinion is inevitable). If we do not consider some fair and just program of Human Rights and/or forgiveness, and a peaceful transition to a fair government that respects human rights and democracy, we might be sowing the seeds of revenge down the road.

Desmond Tutu had said the following of South Africa's transition from Apartheid: "There is no future without forgiveness."


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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

No More Extremism

I'm finally getting what people are talking about empowering moderates. I'm sick of extremists, and unfortunately, they are the ones in power. I'm sick and tired of these muslim extremists giving the rest of us of Middle Eastern descent a bad name. I don't believe in stoning! If a woman cheats on her husband, that's none of my business!!! I don't believe in murduring someone just because something he/she said might insult me. Sadly this can't be said of the mullah's in charge of Iran. I could care less if someone else in the neighborhood is gay or lesbian and I certaintly do not approve of torturing them. I disagree with these extreme laws curtailing freedom of speech, press and assembley. I don't like the things Hizbollah are doing and I don't feel like being punished as someone with Middle Eastern ethnicity because of them. Why should Iranians or any Middle Easterners for that matter want Hizbollah? They always cause the rest of us grief!!! They don't accomplish anything either, they just make trouble. We always get sanctions, threats and trouble because of these ignorant Islamic fundementalists and the retarded things they say, like "Israel should be wiped of the map". That is the dumbeset thing in the world to say, and is putting Iranians at risk of war, just because Mr. AN has no better agenda to put on the table. Hizbollah and the rest of the Islamic extremists should be sidelined amongts muslims as well. We should distance ourselves from them. Now this is not to say that there aren't extemists of other faiths.

I don't think Iranians want extreme Islam, rampant killing of "infidels" and forcing others to dress, act and live in a certain way. Most of us just want to live our daily lives in peace and to take care of our families. That's it.


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Friday, August 04, 2006

Please Sign Petition to support Ahmed Batebi

Please sign this peitition in support of Ahmad Batebi. He has gone missing and the suspicion is that the Iranian government has arranged to abduct him.


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Akbar Ganji to Speak at UC Berkley, August 10th, 2006

Akbar Ganji will give a speech at UC Berkley on August 10h, 2006. He will be speaking in regards to Women's Rights. Also, he has written an Op-ed in the New York Times.


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Tribute to Akbar Mohammadi

The news of Akbar Mohammadi passing away was very tragic. At least now he is free and the oppressors of the Islamic of Iran can't push him around anymore. This quote from Harriet Tubman comes to mind:

"I figured I in this life I had the right to two things: Liberty and Death. In the absence of one, I had to contend with the other."

read BBC article His body was found to be severly tortured and beaten. The details describing the state of his body were extremely shocking. According to the piece form Gooya news, his stomach was imploded inward with his ribs sticking out. He had a cut that had stitches running from beneath his chin down to his navel, and he had bruises all over the bottoms of his feet, above his shoulders, on his back with bruised rings around his wrists and ankles. These are just a few of the details.

Read article with scans of original letter from family here Also, more about Akbar and his brother Manuchehr Mohammadi can be read
at this link


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مطلب را به بالاترین بفرستید: Balatarin